#Risk Management
Why is workplace risk management important to employers?
Save $8.6 - $44 Million per year.
Reducing risk is a smart business. Reducing absence, compensation and attrition risk by just 10% could save your business millions.*
*Research by MComm students at the University of Sydney Business School, based on a Big 4 Bank in Australia.

Nudging teams to better performance.

#Workplace Health
How do we employ a preventative approach to workplace health?
Prevent injuries and address health risks at the source before they head to EAP or claims.
Reduce risk directly impacts the company's bottom line.
Increase productivity, engagement and retention.
Ensure 100% engagement by design. Not "opt-in".

A healthier team is a more engaged team
desk.coach® is a micro nudging system, using real-time health promotion to help employees make healthier choices, and improve their health literacy.
Preventative by design, and founded on evidence-based behaviour change techniques.
"I didn't realise I needed it, and how much I struggled with the stress of life. Now I miss it if I don't have it, thank you!"
"We make it an opportunity to make some fun whilst engaging in the activity."
“I used to struggle with back pain 12 hours at work. desk.coach® gave me tools to manage it and get back to life.”
“I love that it reminds me to do better, even when I don’t want to!”
Clients & Partnerships


"A forward-thinking approach to health at work, and a novel way to spread the risk across employee and employer."
- GM International corporate
“The most important software a company could have.”
-CEO Numedico Technologies